The stakeholders group selected for advising about the pedestrian/cycling network to Morrison-Hershfield Consultants of Ottawa have presented a draft cycle network and policy framework for discussion in February this year. The members of this group include a housewife/mom who cycles everywhere, a businessman/cyclist , a lady cyclist from the HPEd Health Unit, and myself, a retired teacher/cyclist. We have met a few times with M-H to refine and discuss the constraints in this network and so far a tentative plan is evolving. A few of the main constraints are the East-West connection along Dundas Street as part of the Trans Canada Trail, a potential 401 underpass east of Hwy 37 in the Industrial Park to connect to the proposed 50 km South Hastings Trail (which recently received the $50K Molson's Cheer Grant) leading to Tweed. Within the City limits, College Street East and West is a challenge, and a connection along Bridge Street West is needed for Loyalist College. Our draft network is shown on the attached map. We are keen on getting feedback and support from cyclists, pedestrians and transit riders.

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