Sunday, January 16, 2011

Herchimer Cycle Lane in 2011 unlikely

A recent email from Councillor Tom Lafferty in regard to the possibility of cycle lane trials on South Front St and also Herchimer down to Kiwanis Bayshore Trail:

Hi Dave

We had discussions regarding cycle lanes for 2011, the South Front talks seemed to go well. I think we may see it happen this year. The Herchimer Ave one is more difficult, due to parking. This not saying it won't happen, just not likely this year

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cycling Infrastructure now on City Radar

A meeting with Councillor Tom Lafferty was held recently and our committee left the issue of a trial painted lane in his hands to be brought up soon when the Mayor and Council get together to establish goals and objectives for the next budget year. The Master Transportation Plan already has pedestrian and cycling as an included reference and will be presented to Council on Jan 24th. We feel comfortable that our requests for a Master Cycling Plan will be addressed in the coming months. The Engineering Dept shall be acting on these items with the usual procedures: selection of consultants, public inputs, consultant reports, budget and planning steps, council agreement and then implementation. I have heard many of the infrastructure ideas that are being considered for our city and cycling seems to be an active consideration alongside all of these new goals.

Dave Smith, Coordinator
Belleville Cyclists Advisory Group

Monday, January 3, 2011

Cycling Advisory Warning

Last evening in an informal meeting with Constable Todd Bennett of Belleville Police Services, a discussion was had about the education of cyclists and the relative safety of off road trails and cycling along major streets in Belleville. He mentioned to me the increasing incidences of motorists texting on a cell phone while driving with their phone held below the window glass to avoid detection. In many cases these unwary motorists wander to the side and hit the curbs or even wander into the centre of the road while their eyes are averted from driving. This behaviour is of particular danger to cyclists or pedestrians at the sides of the road.

Const Bennett was keen on having more cycling education for adults as well as youth at the Safety Village, and welcomes any measures that could improve safety for people of all ages, who choose to ride a bike to work, for recreation, and for fitness and shopping.

Dave Smith, Coordinator
Belleville Cyclists Advisory Committee.

City of Belleville Soon to release Consultant Choice for Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan is a major undertaking for the City and will look at all aspects of Transportation for the entire City and will provide guidance with respect to planning roadway expansions and improvements as well as addressing pedestrian and cycling considerations and requirements for the next twenty years. The outcome of the study may recommend some immediate improvements with regards to roadway expansions and improvements as well as pedestrian and cycling considerations; however it is not likely any of these will be considered until the study is complete. The intent of this study is to provide a “big picture” planning tool for Transportation development within the City over the next twenty years. It is quite likely that at the end of the Transportation Master Plan process smaller more specific plans may be required for the various components of the Transportation Master Plan such as cycling considerations to expand upon and develop implementation plans for the issues raised in the Transportation Master Plan.

The Transportation Master Plan process will be an open and transparent process with many opportunities for the public and special interest groups such as your cycling advocacy group to participate and provide input into the process. I have filed your information for inclusion in the stakeholders list that the successful Consultant will be compiling for inclusion in their consultation plan for the project to ensure you and your group are included in this process.

I understand that your group are anxious for some cycling improvements in the City and would like to get some “paint on the streets” in 2011; however I think it is only fair to let you know that I do not believe that will happen as a result of this Transportation Master Plan. I can not foresee any recommendations raised during the development of the Transportation Master Plan being considered for implementation until the Plan is completely finalized.


Barry Simpson

Project Manager

Engineering and Development Services Department

The Corporation of the City of Belleville